Bitmex beats 475 startups to win Tech in Asia Singapore Arena

Bitmex founders Arther (left) and Ben.
Bitmex, a financial trading platform that aims to let anyone bet on anything, has claimed the top prize at the Arena startup pitch battle at Tech in Asia Singapore 2016. The startup has clinched US$10,000 in cash. It also earlier won the Fintech Pitch Battle powered by DBS.
Here’s our in-depth profile of Bitmex.
While the startup only lets users speculate on Bitcoin prices for now, it plans to let a person in China, for example, buy Apple stocks in the US.
GliaCloud, a service which automatically converts text articles into videos, won a special prize: US$10,000 in credits from Aliyun, Alibaba’s cloud computing provider. Eldercare startup Z-Works and “operating system for marketing agencies” Merlin claimed the second and third prizes, respectively.
Judges for this Arena battle were: Saemin Ahn, managing partner of Rakuten Ventures, William Bao Bean, managing director at Mobile Only Accelerator, Anis Uzzaman, general partner at Fenox Venture Capital, and Akio Tanaka, managing partner at Infinity Venture Partners.
Check out the list of six finalists here.
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