wealthy fashion 2Vanni Bassetti / Stringer / Getty Images
Imagine if you were a millionaire right now.
You would have practically everything you want. You could enjoy the luxuries of life: the cars, food, clothes, house, and everything else that money can buy.
With money comes great respect and friends. Even more, many of your financial worries would immediately evaporate. Money gives you the freedom you've always wanted.
In order to achieve this major goal, you must select your tool for wealth and use it to serve a large number people. Whether its sports, medicine, or animals, you must find something you can devote your life to and find a way to monetize it.
If your idea is worthwhile, it will cut through competition like a knife through soft cheese. For instance, even with a prolific number of bloggers, my articles are still feasted upon by millions of people each month. My secret? Competence and confidence. You need the skills to pay the bills.
This means that you are willing to build your skills and confidently apply them to your dreams. For me, it was about sharing practical truths about success. What about you? What will you set out to do and how will you do it?
Before you reach your dreams, there are some mental habits that you'll want to pick up along the way.
Since people ask me about the mindset of being a millionaire, here are seven major rules to become massively rich:

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