grandpaFlickr/Carl LovénPeople approaching the end of their lives have a unique perspective on what younger people should be doing with their time.
What do people regret as they approach the end of their lives? That's what someone wanted to know on question-and-answer site Quora recently. 
The query turned up many of the answers you'd expect — marital infidelities, career opportunities not taken, childlessness. Of course, it's good to know about the big, heart-wrenching mistakes that haunt people as they get older so you can look out for similar missteps in your own life. But a quick online read is unlikely to have much influence on these deeply personal and highly complex aspects of your life.
That doesn't mean that the Quora answers weren't useful, however. Among the dramatic regrets you already know you should avoid (but owing to inevitable human frailty might fall victim to anyway) were several smaller life mistakes that you've probably never thought of as leading to end-of-life regret. Yet answer after answer noted that many of the missteps we look back on with sadness are not only relatively small but also relatively easy to avoid.
A blog post alone probably can't help much when it comes to keeping your marriage together orchoosing your career path, but it can point out these other small but common regrets so you can start taking steps to avoid them today. Here are five:

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