The recent British Columbia budget was delivered
amidst a backdrop of fallen commodity
prices and a generally sluggish economy. In light
of British Columbia’s mounting government debt,
vigilance and restraint will be key to keeping the
province’s fiscal house in order.
S pending on K-12 education, the second largest
spending envelope in British Columbia, can rightly
been seen as an important investment for the next generation.
It provides the building blocks for a prosperous
and opportunities-oriented society.
There is no doubt, though, that those who profit from
government spending increases will argue that restraint
will mean continued cuts in education. The reality is
quite different.
According to data from Statistics Canada, between
2001-02 and 2011-12, the most recent years available,
The Myth of
Education Spending Cuts
in British Columbia
Deani Van Pelt and Jason Clemens
$5 billion
$6.3 billion
Summer 2015 | 23
spending on public schools in British Columbia increased
from $5 billion to $6.3 billion—an increase of
24.7 percent. When price changes (inflation) are considered,
the increase is 4.6 percent.
However, these numbers are a rather rudimentary way of
understanding education spending because they don’t
account for changes in student enrolment. If a jurisdiction
increases education spending but simultaneously
experiences a larger proportional increase in the student
population, it can actually be cutting per-student
spending. Alternatively, a jurisdiction with a declining
enrolment could actually reduce total education spending
but still increase per-student spending.
A recent Fraser Institute study, Education Spending in
Canada: What’s Actually Happening? calculated the
per-student levels of education spending over the last
decade. Except for three of Canada’s eastern provinces,
BC experienced the largest provincial decline in public
school enrolment—from 622,800 to 550,700 students
between 2001-02 and 2011-12, an 11.6 percent decrease.
This drop in enrolment amplifies the increase in the
province’s education spending. During the same 11-year
period, spending per student increased 41.1 percent,
from $8,093 to $11,418.
Another common claim, one which is potentially more
damaging, is that there’s a consistent relationship between
education spending and education results. In this
simple world, all you have to do to improve education
is spend more money. That is a simplistic and incorrect
way to think about inputs and outputs.
British Columbia had the lowest spending increases—on
both a nominal and per-pupil basis—of any province in
the country. Yet, unlike other provinces, many of which
experienced a worrying decline in the OECD’s Programme
for Student Assessment (PISA) scores in math,
reading, and science, BC has some of the highest PISA
scores in the country.
Study after study has demonstrated that it’s far more
important to focus on how money is spent rather than
worrying about the total amount spent. The key to better
education isn’t spending more—it’s spending wisely.
A recent CD Howe study examined BC’s system of
school choice, and confirmed its positive effect on test
results. Consider, for example, that one in eight students
in BC attends an independent school. Independent
schools offer parents real choice in their children’s education
and foster competition between schools. Choice
and competition are the keys to a well-functioning, efficient
education system.
Contrary to the rhetoric, spending on public education
in British Columbia has increased. And while the
increases have been the most modest in the country,
performance has not suffered. The focus should be on
reform—how we spend on education, and how we deliver
that education to students—not on simply worrying
about increasing the amount we spend.
Deani Van Pelt is the Director of the Barbara Mitchell
Centre for Improvement in Education. Jason Clemens
is Executive Vice-President at the Fraser Institute.
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