Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Greece will not pay IMF on Friday without prospect of a deal: lawmaker

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Greece will not pay IMF on Friday without prospect of a deal: lawmaker

[ATHENS] Greece will not make a June 5 loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund if there is no prospect of an aid-for-reforms deal with its international creditors soon, the spokesman for the ruling Syriza party's lawmakers said on Wednesday.
"If there is no prospect of a deal by Friday or Monday, I don't know by when exactly, we will not pay," Nikos Filis told Mega TV.
The June 5 payment of 300 million euros (S$451.7 million) is the first of four this month totalling 1.6 billion euros. Athens depends on foreign aid to stay afloat.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will travel to Brussels on Wednesday for a meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker as Athens and its lenders seek to agree on a deal that will unlock remaining bailout funds.

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