Saturday, May 9, 2015

China's state newspaper slams Japan for lack of world war contrition

China's state newspaper slams Japan for lack of world war contrition

PUBLISHED ON MAY 10, 2015 11:34 AM
BEIJING (REUTERS) - German contrition over World War Two stands in contrast to Japan's failure to reflect on its past, the official newspaper of China's ruling Communist Party said on Sunday, following war commemorations in Moscow.
Sino-Japan relations are plagued by China's bitter memories of Japan's occupation of parts of the country before and during World War Two. Ties have also chilled in recent years over territorial rows and mutual mistrust over Japan's bolder security policies and China's military assertiveness.
A front-page editorial in the People's Daily praised German leaders for facing up to war crimes.
"In the past several decades, Germany has never halted on the path of self-analysis and self-criticism of its own guilt,"the paper said, citing former German Chancellor Willy Brandt kneeling at a Warsaw memorial in 1970 and current Chancellor Angela Merkel's past remarks that the country had an"everlasting responsibility" for Nazi crimes.

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