Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Singapore Airlines chalks up 1.6 percentage point rise in March passenger load factor

Singapore Airlines chalks up 1.6 percentage point rise in March passenger load factor

SINGAPORE Airlines' systemwide passenger carriage increased 1.2 per cent year on year in March against a one per cent reduction in capacity, lifting passenger load factor (PLF) 1.6 percentage points to 76.6 per cent.
"PLF improved for South-west Pacific and West Asia/Africa on the back of stronger demand, coupled with capacity consolidation," the airline said. "On the other hand, PLF on East Asia routes declined as capacity growth outstripped demand. Passenger demand was weaker to Americas."
It went on warn that the competitive landscape remains challenging.
"SIA will remain nimble to redeploy capacity to better match market demand and promotional activities will continue in relevant markets," it added.
Regional wing SilkAir's passenger carriage expanded 12.8 per cent in March vis-a-vis a stronger 13.2 per cent increase in capacity. As a result, PLF slipped 0.2 percentage point to 68.3 per cent.
For the East Asia and Pacific region, PLF declined as capacity growth outstripped passenger carriage growth. However, PLF was higher for the the West Asia region, thanks to passenger carriage growth and capacity reduction.
Meanwhile, for SIA Cargo, cargo load factor (CLF) was 0.2 percentage point lower as cargo traffic fell 1.8 per cent against an overall capacity reduction of 1.6 per cent.
"Load factor improved on all route regions except East Asia and Europe, where demand did not keep pace with capacity changes," the group said.

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