G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting
4-5 September 2015, Ankara, Turkey
1. We met in Ankara to review ongoing economic developments, our respective growth prospects, and
recent volatility in financial markets and its underlying economic conditions. We welcome the
strengthening economic activity in some economies, but global growth falls short of our expectations. We
have pledged to take decisive action to keep the economic recovery on track and we are confident the
global economic recovery will gain speed. We will continue to monitor developments, assess spillovers and
address emerging risks as needed to foster confidence and financial stability.
2. We reaffirm the role of macroeconomic and structural policies to support our efforts to achieve strong,
sustainable and balanced growth. Monetary policies will continue to support economic activity consistent
with central banks’ mandates, but monetary policy alone cannot lead to balanced growth. We note that in
line with the improving economic outlook, monetary policy tightening is more likely in some advanced
economies. We reiterate our commitment to move toward more market-determined exchange rate systems
and exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals, and avoid persistent exchange rate
misalignments. We will refrain from competitive devaluations, and resist all forms of protectionism. We
will implement fiscal policies flexibly to take into account near-term economic conditions, so as to support
growth and job creation, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path. To this end, we will
also continue to consider the composition of our budget expenditures and revenues to support productivity,
inclusiveness and growth.
3. We will carefully calibrate and clearly communicate our actions, especially against the backdrop of
major monetary and other policy decisions, to minimize negative spillovers, mitigate uncertainty and
promote transparency.
4. The need to boost actual and potential output growth is a key challenge for the global economy. We
remain committed to timely and effective implementation of our growth strategies that include measures to
support demand and lift potential growth. As we implement these strategies, we will take steps to promote
greater inclusiveness, including to reduce income inequality. This year we developed a robust framework
to monitor the implementation of these measures and prepared detailed implementation schedules. Based
on this, we will present our first accountability report on progress against our growth strategy commitments
at the Antalya Summit. Preliminary analysis by the international organizations shows that we are making
progress towards our commitments and that more effort is needed for implementation. We are also
reviewing our growth strategies, including through peer review, to make sure that they remain consistent
with our collective growth ambition.
5. Boosting investment is a top priority for us. To this end, we have prepared country-specific investment
strategies that present concrete actions in order to improve the investment ecosystem, foster efficient
infrastructure investment and support financing opportunities for SMEs. We welcome the progress note by
the OECD that provides a preliminary review of our investment strategies and contributes to knowledge
sharing. We look forward to further qualitative and quantitative assessments of our strategies and based on
these assessments, we will finalize them for the Antalya Summit. We also welcome the recommendations
and assessment frameworks developed by the IMF, WBG, and OECD to help countries strengthen their
public investment management processes and enhance the quality of investment. We also reiterate the
importance of mobilizing multilateral and national development bank resources and technical expertise. In
this respect, we welcome the progress in the Multilateral Development Banks’ (MDBs) action plan for
balance sheet optimization.
6. In order to encourage private sector engagement, we acknowledge the consolidation of best practices in
public private partnership (PPP) models, which can address commonly-encountered challenges. We
welcome the WBG PPP Guidelines and the OECD/WBG PPP Project Checklist which provide guidance on
international best practices for preparation and implementation of PPPs. Moreover, we also endorse the
business plan of the Global Infrastructure Hub, which will address data gaps, lower barriers to investment
and move engagement with the private sector beyond business as usual. We look forward to regular
updates on its operations.
7. In recognition of major financing needs for long term investments, we also focused on examining
possible alternative capital market instruments. As such, we take note of the policy recommendations by
the IMF and WBG on systematically integrating the features of asset-based financing practices into global
finance. To help ensure a strong corporate and public governance framework that will promote private
investment, we also endorse the G20/OECD Principles on Corporate Governance. We recognize the
potential to facilitate financial intermediation for SMEs including by improving systems for credit
reporting, lending against movable collateral, and insolvency reforms. We welcome the progress on the
G20/OECD High Level Principles on SME financing and the establishment of the private sector-led World
SME Forum, a new initiative to serve as a global body to drive the contributions of SMEs to growth and
8. We remain deeply disappointed with the continued delay in progressing the 2010 IMF Quota and
Governance Reforms. We reaffirm that their earliest implementation is essential for the credibility,
legitimacy and effectiveness of the Fund and remains our highest priority. We strongly urge the United
States to ratify the 2010 reforms as soon as possible. We reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a strong,
well-resourced and quota-based IMF. In reference to our call in Istanbul, we look forward to progress on
the SDR Basket Review in November. We welcome the progress achieved on the implementation of
strengthened collective action and pari passu clauses in international sovereign bond contracts, and stress
the importance of accelerating their implementation. Regarding debt sustainability, we acknowledge the
existing initiatives aimed at improving sustainable financing practices, as stressed in the Addis Ababa
Action Agenda. We also take note of the Paris Forum initiative, which contributes to further the
inclusiveness by fostering dialogue between sovereign debtors and creditors.
9. We reaffirm our resolve to finalize the remaining core elements of the global financial reform agenda
this year. We welcome the work by the FSB, BIS and BCBS on rigorous and comprehensive quantitative
impact assessments on a total-loss-absorbing-capacity standard (TLAC) for global systemically important
banks and by the BCBS and IOSCO on criteria for identifying simple, transparent and comparable
securitizations. We look forward to the finalization of the common international standard on the TLAC for
global systemically important banks and robust higher loss absorbency requirements for global
systemically important insurers by the Antalya Summit, and completion of the previously agreed work on
the extension of the contractual recognition of temporary stays on early termination rights for OTC
derivatives contracts to include other instruments and firms, excessive variability in risk-weighted asset
calculations for bank capital ratios and implementation of the G20 shadow banking roadmap. We also look
forward to progress this year on the agreed work plans regarding central counterparties’ resilience,
recovery planning and resolvability, misconduct risk and withdrawal from correspondent banking and
remittances services. We will work to address legal barriers to the reporting of OTC derivatives contracts to
trade repositories and to the cross-border access of authorities to trade repository data, as well as to
improve the usability of that data. We continue to closely monitor financial stability challenges, including
those associated with asset management activities and will ensure that related risks are fully addressed. We
look forward to the FSB’s first annual report on the implementation and the effects of all reforms,
including any material unintended consequences, particularly for EMDEs. We recognize potential risks to
financial stability arising from liability structure distortions in corporate balance sheets and ask the FSB, in
coordination with other international organizations, to continue to explore any systemic risks and consider
policy options.
10. The fight against terrorism is a major priority for all of our countries and thus, we reiterate our resolve
to tackle its financing channels. We reaffirm our commitment to deepen our cooperation concerning the
exchange of information and freezing of terrorist assets, in particular to facilitate cross-border freezing
requests, and we will work on modalities to promote further transparency of financial flows.
Criminalization of terrorist financing and the existence of robust targeted financial sanctions regimes
related to terrorism and terrorist financing are fundamental requirements to actively curb terrorist financial
11. In line with our commitments to reach to a globally fair and modern international tax system, we are in
the final phase of delivering the G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan. The
final package of all 15 action items is expected by October, and at our next meeting in Lima, we will
review this package to submit it to our Leaders in Antalya. The effectiveness of the project will be
determined by its widespread and consistent implementation. We will continue to work on an equal footing
as we monitor the implementation of the BEPS project outcomes at the global level, in particular, the
exchange of information on cross-border tax rulings. We call on the OECD to prepare a framework by
early 2016 with the involvement of interested non-G20 countries and jurisdictions, particularly developing
economies, on an equal footing. We welcome the efforts by the IMF, WBG, UN and OECD to provide
appropriate technical assistance to interested developing economies in tackling the domestic resource
mobilization challenges they face, including from BEPS. We continue to work to enhance the transparency
of our tax systems, and reaffirm our previously agreed timelines for the implementation of automatic
exchange of information. We reiterate our commitment to implement the G20 High-Level Principles on
Beneficial Ownership Transparency and look forward to further progress on country implementation. We
support the efforts made for strengthening non-G20 economies’ engagement in the international tax area
and welcome the decisions taken under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on international cooperation on
tax matters.
12. We reaffirm our commitment to promote an enabling global economic environment for developing
countries as they pursue their sustainable development agendas, including by strengthening our policy
dialogue. We welcome the positive outcomes of the Addis Ababa Conference on Financing for
Development (FFD) and in support of them, we aim to scale up our technical assistance efforts to help
developing countries build necessary institutional capacity, particularly in the areas specified in the Addis
Ababa Action Agenda. We also look forward to a successful outcome of the UN Summit in New York for
the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
13. To support the climate change agenda of 2015, we welcome the Climate Finance Study Group (CFSG)
report, take note of the inventory on climate funds developed by the OECD, and the toolkit developed by
the OECD and the GEF to enhance access to adaptation finance by the low income and developing
countries, especially those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. We
recognize developed countries’ ongoing efforts and call on them to continue to scale up climate finance in
line with their commitments. We are working together to reach a positive and balanced outcome at the 21st
Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 21). Based on the outcomes and towards the objectives of the
COP21, CFSG will continue its work in 2016 by following the principles, provisions and objectives of the
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting
4-5 September 2015, Ankara, Turkey
Reports Received
We welcome the delivery of the following reports ahead of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors meeting, September 2015:
IMF Surveillance Note, September 2015
Fiscal Policy and Growth: Why, What and How, IMF/OECD Note, September 2015
G20/OECD Draft Report on G20 Investment Strategies, August 2015
OECD’s Progress Note on G20 Country-Specific Investment Strategies, September 2015
IMF Note on Public Investment Efficiency in the G20, August 2015
Note on Action Plan for MDB Balance Sheet Optimization, August 2015
Policy Framework for Investment, OECD’s Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors, September 2015
Summary Report on Effective Approaches to Support Implementation of the G20/OECD High-Level
Principles on Long-term Investment Financing by Institutional Investors, OECD’s Report to G20
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
Regulation of Insurance Company and Pension Fund Investment, OECD’s Report to G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
Mapping of Instruments and Incentives for Infrastructure Financing: A Taxonomy, OECD’s Report to
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
Note on G20/OECD Singapore High-Level Roundtable on Institutional Investors and Long Term
Investment, September 2015
Note on G20 – WBG Singapore Workshop on Project Prioritization and Preparation, August 2015
IMF/WBG Note on Integrating Islamic Finance into Global Finance, August 2015
Leveraging Islamic Finance for SMEs, Joint WB-IsDB G20 Islamic Finance Policy Paper, August 2015
Opportunities and Constraints of Market-Based Financing for SMEs, OECD’s Report to G20 Finance
Ministers and Central bank Governors, September 2015
G20/OECD High Level Principles on SME Financing, OECD Progress Report to G20 Finance Ministers
and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, OECD Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central
Bank Governors, September 2015
Growth Companies, Access to Capital Markets and Corporate Governance, OECD Report to G20
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
Capital Market Instruments to Mobilize Institutional Investors to Infrastructure and SME Financing in
Emerging Market Economies, WBG/IMF/OECD Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors, August 2015
Global Infrastructure Hub Business Plan 2015-16, Global Infrastructure Hub, September 2015
World SME Forum Business Plan 2015-19, World SME Forum, August 2015
Towards a Framework for the Governance of Public Infrastructure, OECD Report to G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
PPP Guidelines: World Bank Group Infrastructure Deliverables, (Infrastructure Prioritization Toolkit;
Report on Recommended PPP Contractual Provisions; Framework for Disclosure for PPP Projects;
Partnering to Build a Better World: MDBs’ Common Approaches to Supporting Infrastructure
Development) WBG Reports to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, August 2015
WBG/OECD Project Checklist for PPPs, August 2015
Addressing Data Gaps in Long-Term Investment: An Agenda for Research, OECD’s Report to G20
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
Overcoming Barriers to International Investment in Clean Energy, OECD Report to G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
Official Development Finance for Infrastructure/Support by Multilateral and Bilateral Development
Partners, OECD Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, September 2015
PPP Days 2015 Summary, EBRD Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors,
August 2015
FSB’s Ninth Progress Report on the Implementation of OTC Derivatives Reforms, July 2015
Comprehensive Progress Report on the CCP Work Plan, the FSB, BCBS, CPMI and IOSCO,
September 2015
Report on Corporate Funding Structures and Incentives, the FSB, IMF, BIS, OECD, WBG, and
IOSCO, August 2015
Sixth Progress Report on the Implementation of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative, the IMF and FSB,
September 2015
Work on Foreign Currency Exposures, the IMF, BIS and FSB, August 2015
Update by the IMF and the OECD on Cooperation on Macro-prudential and Capital Flow Management
Measures, September 2015
OECD Secretary-General Report to G20 Finance Ministers with its annexes (Reports on “Possible
Tougher Incentives for the countries that fail to comply with the Global Forum standards on exchange
of information on request” and “SMEs and Taxation”), September 2015
IMF Note on Inclusion of Enhanced Contractual Provisions in International Sovereign Bond Contracts
Briefing for G20 Meeting, September 2015
Toolkit to Enhance Access to Adaptation Finance for Developing Countries that are Vulnerable to the
Adverse Effects of Climate Change Including LIDCs, SIDs and African States, OECD in Collaboration
with the GEF, August 2015
Climate Funds Inventory, OECD, August 2015
G20 Climate Finance Study Group Annual Report 2015
Issues for Further Action
We look forward to the assessment by the IMF of the global financial safety net architecture by early
We look forward to the finalization of the Joint Action Plan on SME Financing by the Investment and
Infrastructure Working Group and the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion.
Supporting our endeavor to integrate the asset-based financing models into global finance, we ask the
BCBS to collaborate with the relevant stakeholders to develop a proposal on options for modalities to
promote a structured consultation mechanism.
Acknowledging the role of closing information gaps in financial stability, we welcome the significant
progress through the Data Gaps Initiative and endorse the proposed recommendations for its second
phase (DGI-2), and call on the IMF and FSB to report back to us on the progress of DGI-2 in the second
half of 2016. We expect the IMF, FSB and BIS to take forward the work on data gaps on foreign
currency exposures via the steps outlined in their report as part of the second phase of the Data Gaps
In its report to be delivered in November 2015, we expect the FATF to inform us on the progress made
on criminalizing terrorist financing and applying targeted financial sanctions related to terrorism and
terrorist financing, and proposals to strengthen all counter-terrorism financing tools.
We call on the IMF, in consultation with other relevant parties, to continue to promote and monitor the
progress on the implementation of the strengthened collective action and pari passu clauses, and to
further explore market-based ways to speed up incorporation of such clauses to the outstanding stock of
debt. We underline the need to strengthen information-sharing and transparency to ensure that debt
sustainability assessments are based on comprehensive, objective and reliable data and call on the IMF
and World Bank to address this issue as part of the forthcoming review of their joint Debt Sustainability
Framework for Low-Income Countries