Thursday, January 15, 2015

Shocked by the Swiss Franc? Blame Europe

<p>Beware of the black swan.</p>
 Photographer: Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images

Anyone feeling wrong-footed by the Swiss central bank's surprise decision to stop holding down the price of its currency should consider placing part of the blame elsewhere -- on the abject failure of Europe's leaders to revive their sinking economy.
Global financial markets went into gyrations today after the Swiss National Bank announced that it would end its more than three-year effort to keep the value of the franc from rising above about 0.83 euro. The franc immediately jumped to about 0.96 euro, dealing a blow to the country's export and tourism industries, to traders who had bet against the currency and to foreigners who owe money in francs.


Switzerland's move is a kind of capitulation. With the European Central Bank on the verge of extraordinary stimulus measures that will probably weaken the euro, Swiss central bankers realized that the franc -- long a haven for investors fleeing the euro -- will come under renewed upward pressure. A voluntary appreciation now, they believe, will be less disruptive than one that's forced on them later.
Tiny Switzerland's travails underline the bigger issue: Europe's inability to restore economic growth. After the 2008 financial crisis and amid the subsequent European debt crisis, Europe's leaders -- Germany's policy makers, especially -- have erred repeatedly. They have forced too much austerity on the weakest members of the currency union, while the strongest have pared back investments needed to boost growth. They have been far too slow in forcing banks to recognize losses, raise capital and get back to business as usual. They have opposed much-needed monetary stimulus. As a result, the euro area has endured serial recessions and is now teetering on the brink of deflation.
It's widely believed that the ECB is finally about to start quantitative easing, announcing what could be as much as a trillion euros in bond purchases. A possible legal obstacle fell away this week. Whether or not QE works, it will put new pressure on foreign-exchange markets, as the outlook for interest rates in euros increasingly diverges from the rest. Switzerland is not alone in feeling the repercussions. The U.S. dollar has gained some 14 percent against major currencies since mid-2014 -- a shift that some economists worry could spell trouble for non-U.S. companies that have trillions in outstanding dollar-denominated debt.
Europe's leaders -- and particularly German Chancellor Angela Merkel -- can still make a difference by boosting investment, offering relief to embattled countries such as Greece and letting the ECB do its job. They should do this for the sake of their own economies. If they fail, the damage won't be confined to the EU.
To contact the senior editor responsible for Bloomberg View’s editorials: David Shipley at

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Banking Hearing on Income Inequality

Banking Hearing on Income Inequality

SEP 17, 2014

Senator Elizabeth Warren's Q&A at a September 17, 2014 Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy hearing entitled, "Who is the Economy Working For? The Impact of Rising Inequality on the American Economy."

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Swiss Currency Has Shot Up 15% So Far Today. Here’s Why That Matters

Swiss Currency Has Shot Up 15% So Far Today. Here’s Why That Matters

A Swiss coin is seen beneath a euro banknote on Januay 15, 2015 in Lausanne. In a shock announcement on January 15, Switzerland's central bank said it was ending a three-year bid to artificially hold down the value of the Swiss franc against the euro, in a move that immediately sent the safe haven currency soaring.Fabrice Coffrini—AFP/Getty Images

Chaos in the currency market is a sign of deep problems for Europe—and the whole global economy.

The global economy got a lot more interesting today, and maybe a little more scary, when the Swiss National Bank ended its commitment to a fixed exchange rate between the Swiss Franc and the euro.
Currency markets went into a frenzy. The Swiss franc immediately rose 30% in value against the euro, mirrored by a spike in its U.S. dollar value. Some of those gains have pulled back, with the currency up about 15% at midday. That’s still a huge move.
Okay, so it’s been a big day for currency traders—and anyone planning on a ski trip to the Alps. But what’s this mean for me?
The wildness in the market underscores the big economic story of the moment: Europe’s slide toward a recession. In a globally connected economy, weak demand in Europe could weigh on the recovery in the U.S.
So what exactly happened?
Swiss francs rose because the Swiss central bank removed an artificial cap on the price of an asset people really, really want right now. The import of the story is less about the sudden price change today than about why people want to trade their euros for francs in the first place.
Switzerland isn’t a part of the eurozone, the group of countries that share the euro as a currency. Swiss assets denominated in Swiss francs have long been considered a safe haven—a parking spot for investors around the globe when they are feeling jittery.
The eurozone has given people a lot be jittery about. In the wake of the Greek debt crisis at the beginning of the decade, investors jumped into francs, strengthening the currency against others. The problem with that for the Swiss is that it makes the goods produced by Swiss companies more expensive to export. So the Swiss National Bank (that’s like their Federal Reserve) capped the value of a franc at 1.20 per euro.
It also decided to start charging negative interest rates, meaning investors in effect have to pay a fee to park their money in a Swiss bank. That’s another way of fighting currency overvaluation. Today, at the same time as it cut the currency peg, the Swiss bank lowered the short-term interest rate from -0.25% to -0.75%. That is, they raised the penalty for stashing money there. Even so, the rally in francs shows there remains a lot of demand for doing just that.
Why did the Swiss cut the exchange rate peg?
The surprise move comes as Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, is considering new measures to stimulate the eurozone economy. Many investors expect the ECB will take a page from the U.S. Federal Reserve and start buying long-term debt to push down long-term interest rates, a strategy known as quantitative easing.
A euro QE is broadly expected to bring down the value of the euro compared to the U.S. dollar. The Swiss, it seems, didn’t want to tie the value of its own currency so closely to the policy makers at the ECB.
“Recently, divergences between the monetary policies of the major currency areas have increased significantly – a trend that is likely to become even more pronounced,” the Swiss central bank said in a statement. “The euro has depreciated considerably against the US dollar and this, in turn, has caused the Swiss franc to weaken against the US dollar. In these circumstances, the SNB concluded that enforcing and maintaining the minimum exchange rate for the Swiss franc against the euro is no longer justified.”
Pity Swiss watchmakers, though. Their timepieces just became more expensive for foreigners to buy.

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IBM Sees Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology in Internet of Things

IBM Sees Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology in Internet of Things

IBM, one of the leaders in the upcoming ‘Internet of Things’ era where most devices of everyday use would be connected to a cloud, and be able to communicate with one another, sees the future of this communication in blockchain technology, first used in Bitcoin. IBM has invested significant resources into the internet of things paradigm, and sees the blockchain technology solving some core issues, helping the ideas go more mainstream. According to IBM,
The Internet of Things represents an evolution in which objects are capable of interacting with other objects. Hospitals can monitor and regulate pacemakers long distance, factories can automatically address production line issues and hotels can adjust temperature and lighting according to a guest’s preferences, to name just a few examples.
The traditional model of internet of things involves a centralized data center that gathers all the information collected through the various connected devices. However, this has a serious drawback in terms of lifecycle costs and revenue. The company that makes a smart LED needs to consider the costs of managing the data collected from this device for an average of over 20 years, whereas the revenue is usually a one-time event when the consumer buys the light bulb. This makes the internet of things limited in scope only to devices that can be sold a high premium or that aren’t used often.
To solve this problem, IBM sees a future where each device is self-sufficient in managing itself, thus managing costs and resources on its own without involving recurring expenditures for maintenance. This uses edge-based cloud computing in a distributed environment, which means the devices on the edge of the network are connected together to form their own distributed cloud. This is sustainable as long as the devices are present, and the lifetime of this cloud becomes the lifetime of the devices that form the cloud in the first place. The network is therefore self-contained in a way, lasting for as long as the devices can last and at a fractional cost to the manufacturer.
An important aspect of this distributed cloud is the lack of trust in individual nodes. With a centralized system, trust is easier, since a central agency manages all the devices and their identities and potentially weeds out the bad nodes. However, with potentially billions of devices coming online, this is a next to impossible task. Instead, IBM sees the future to be a distributed model that doesn’t require trusting every node in the network – a problem that had already been solved by Satoshi Nakamoto in designing Bitcoin.
According to Paul Brody, the vice president for IBM Global Business Services,
The core of this new approach is built upon the Block Chain, a model of distributed computing leveraging the architecture of BitCoin (without the financial component). Using the Block Chain we can implement the typical transaction processing work done by centralized data centers without any of the cost associated with those systems by using compute power generated by individual devices that would, in most cases, go to waste. These distributed, Block Chain-based services will run on new transport protocols as well.
The blockchain technology, which is widely known to have solved the old Byzantine General’s Problem, provides a way to create a network consensus without having to trust individual nodes. Bitcoin uses the proof of work algorithm to secure its network, but several other mechanisms have since been developed to accomplish the same goal.
Today, using Bitcoin, it is the first time that devices can act in the financial markets completely independent of any human interference. An algorithm can generate its own Bitcoin wallet that enables it to trade with other algorithms. When these sit on top of things, it means everyday household items can in fact participate in financial dealings with one another and to the outside world (for instance, devices connected to the grid could negotiate a price for reduced electricity usage during peak hours). IBM is already exploring these possibilities with Bitcoin.

Sid Kalla

Writer at Coinsetter
Sid is a writer and blogger, with deep interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. He is the founder of BTC Geek and has several years of experience working in the finance and technology sectors in New York. He can sometimes be seen wandering the streets, trying to photograph the best the city offers.

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More than three years of stability between the euro and the Swiss franc just ended suddenly, as the Swiss central bank abandoned attempts to cap the currency's value. 
The bank previously aimed to let the franc rise no higher than 1.20 to the euro (about €0.83 to each franc). As soon as the change was announced, it smashed immediately higher, breaking through the previous "ceiling." It broke through a 1:1 exchange rate, surging above €1.10. 
Here's the euro plunging against the franc, down by nearly 28% as the news broke, an astonishing move for a currency:
swiss, Business Insider
Moves like these occasionally come from countries such as Russia when a commodity they produce tanks, but they're almost unheard of in the major advanced economies. As of 11:40 a.m. GMT (5:20 a.m. ET), the euro is down by more like 14.5%, to just 1.026 Swiss francs.
Switzerland brought the currency cap in 2011 to stop the constant appreciation of its currency. The franc is seen as a particularly strong and safe currency, and it aw huge inflows during the worst years of the euro crisis.
This is likely to have a big impact on a lot of Europeans. For example, if your mortgage is denominated in Swiss francs but you get paid in euros, it just got a lot more expensive. On the other hand, if you're getting paid in Swiss francs, that holiday to Italy suddenly looks a lot cheaper.
It looks as if the exchange rate is now stabilizing a bit, after some extreme volatility:
swiss franc, Business Insider
According to the Swiss National Bank's statement, it was just becoming too difficult to justify the currency ceiling:
The euro has depreciated considerably against the US dollar and this, in turn, has caused the Swiss franc to weaken against the US dollar.
In these circumstances, the SNB concluded that enforcing and maintaining the minimum exchange rate for the Swiss franc against the euro is no longer justified.
The central bank cut also interest rates even further into negative territory Thursday morning, down to -0.75% from -0.25%.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Warren Buffett Is Wrong: The Bitcoin Proof - By Ron Rimkus, CFA

Warren Buffett Is Wrong: The Bitcoin Proof

Categories: EconomicsPrivate Wealth Management
When I first took a serious look at bitcoin, I focused on its potential as a currency. It was hard not to notice the enthusiasm for bitcoin among a number of its proponents. But I balked nevertheless. As I stated in “Bitcoin: New Gold or Fool’s Gold?,” I felt that bitcoin would have a common enemy in governments around the world, implying that it would be outlawed, burdened with onerous regulation, taxed, or otherwise butchered beyond recognition by policy. And all of this is still possible, of course.
But something fascinating happened: My thesis proved accurate, but the outcome was different than I anticipated. Russia’s government banned bitcoin and, shortly thereafter,China’s government announced major restrictions. In essence, governments were turning against bitcoin. I expected, however, the price of bitcoin to crash toward zero. It didn’t. My fears manifested themselves, yet bitcoin backers remained steadfast believers.
Was the bitcoin quote weaker after these announcements? Yes. But it didn’t go to zero — or at least to cents on the bitcoin dollar as it did in the past, when wallets had been hacked. Its price in dollars declined, of course, but it was far more resilient than I expected. Had the bitcoin crowd totally ignored this news? Were bitcoin enthusiasts crazy? Were they blinded by their belief in the technology platform? Or by an overzealous faith in bitcoin as a tool of the people to defend against an overreaching government?
So, I hopped on a plane and went to the Inside Bitcoins expo in New York City to find out. What I observed was a startling contrast to what I had expected. I had of course anticipated people to be enthusiastic supporters of bitcoin, but I also expected them to be more or less unaware — or at least unappreciative — of the recent events in Russia and China.
What I found, however, were people who were openly discussing the issues and had fully come to grips with the risks and nevertheless persevered with their support for the platform, funding programs, technology development, etc. In fact, the wave of development and capital pouring into the space was staggering. So, these people were well informed on these major headwinds for bitcoin and yet were undeterred. Needless to say, this intrigued me.
I also expected the crowd to be primarily composed of libertarian types enthusiastic to thwart government. My thinking was that perhaps they were simply blinded by their emotional investment in bitcoin as a bulwark against government intrusion. Perhaps they wanted it to work so badly that they were overlooking the cold, hard truth?
But this wasn’t the case either. Although there were indeed a number of libertarians in the audience, it seemed the crowd consisted of people from all walks of life and all sides of the political spectrum. Whoa. Say that again!?! Yep, there were libertarians, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, and probably all shades in between. And virtually all were enthusiastic, well-informed supporters. But why?
Bitcoin has solved a fundamental problem. Normally, whenever there is a financial transaction taking place, there is distrust between the two parties that must be solved by a financial intermediary that is willing to take on the risk that at least one of the two parties isn’t going to follow through on its end of the bargain. In fact, gigantic financial networks have developed over many decades to resolve this very problem.
Thanks to bitcoin’s block-chain technology, however, no financial intermediary is necessary for two parties to engage in a financial transaction. This is revolutionary. The emergence of bitcoin as a transaction platform means that for the first time in human history, any two people anywhere in the world can instantaneously exchange money (or any form of property) without needing a third-party intermediary to perform a validation or security function. In essence, bitcoin removes links in the value chain, which means that the cost of doing many forms of business declines. This is why bitcoin has intrinsic value.
So, Is Value Necessary for the Bitcoin Proof?
Absolutely. Bitcoin’s value as a currency must come first from its value as a transaction platform. That’s what I missed the first time around. And that’s what will give it staying power.
So, how much value does it offer? Consider first the value of bitcoin to a merchant. Is the case for bitcoin compelling from a financial standpoint? The following table, which should be used with caution, illustrates business costs to the average merchant as a percentage of sales when conducting business with credit card customers.

Bitcoin Disintermediation

The table demonstrates that there are cost advantages to merchants who use bitcoin over other transaction platforms. Still, it’s important to be circumspect in using this table. Data are derived from a wide range of sources, and in some cases, there were discrepancies among them. The column totals may very well be double counting significant cost line items. For instance, the percentage of sales rejected because of fraud undoubtedly includes sales that are rightfully declined as well as some that are wrongly rejected. We simply don’t know how that line item breaks down into those two categories. Maybe the amount that is wrongly rejected is a little or maybe it is a lot. Moreover, different sources report different levels for each category. Which one is right? Don’t know. Also, these values are bound to vary widely from business to business. Lastly, it is not at all clear whether using bitcoin will reduce accounting costs for merchants. My investigations have yielded some conflicting anecdotes but nothing conclusive one way or another.
Nevertheless, I suspect there is some value to merchants from an accounting standpoint because every bitcoin transaction is digitized in a way that fiat money can’t be. Sure, today’s merchants have cash registers and process real-time data on inventories and credit card transactions, but there is a substantial cost to any organization to verify and track cash flows. With bitcoin, verification and tracking is automatic. Finally, merchants will have a different mix of business from fiat cash, domestic card–present transactions, and domestic card-not-present transactions, and so I urge caution in relying on these numbers as gospel truth. Still, this table does illustrate that there is a concrete cost-savings opportunity for merchants. The only question is how much.
So, when one thinks about money, one must differentiate between currency and money. Currency is a unit of account produced by the government. Money is something of inherent value that exhibits certain properties — chief among them, intrinsic worth. In today’s digital economy, bitcoin has inherent worth because of its cost reduction capabilities on transactions.
Around the same time “Bitcoin: New Gold or Fool’s Gold?” was published, Warren Buffett came out against bitcoin, calling it a “mirage.” He suggested that bitcoin was no different from checks or money orders because they are all just ways to send money from Person A to Person B. He then suggested that checks and money orders themselves have no intrinsic value, so bitcoin itself must have no intrinsic value. Therefore, it can’t be money. He also suggested that lots of other cryptocurrencies could pop up and dilute away the value of bitcoin. Is Buffett wrong? Yes.
First, as Legg Mason’s Bill Miller, CFA, noted, checks and money orders are unlimited. If you run out of either, your bank will gladly print more. Moreover, anybody can open a bank account at any bank in the world and use its checks and money orders. There is truly an endless supply from countless sources. Bitcoin is quite different. Although there are many other cryptocurrencies, there is only one bitcoin platform. And bitcoin is ultimately limited to 21 million bitcoins. The scarcity of bitcoins stands in stark contrast to the infinite capacity of banks to create new checks and money orders. And bitcoin is far and away the leader in the cryptocurrency space. So, it appears Buffett is mistaken.
Another important question to answer: Why is Buffett wrong? Buffett is quite open about his limited expertise in technology. So, despite his vast knowledge and expertise in business, he may have an inadequate understanding of network effects in technology goods.
To the casual observer, there is no reason why any other competing cryptocurrency couldn’t come along and snatch the lead away from bitcoin. But to the analyst well versed in network externalities, it is clear that there would be tremendous switching costs necessary for the world to transition from one platform to another. Bitcoin, however imperfect it is, has a dramatic lead over other cryptocurrencies, and it is bitcoin’s lead to lose. The world, of course, would be willing to leave bitcoin if it fails to deliver on its promise, but thus far, this has not happened. If bitcoin does fail, surely another cryptocurrency (altcoindogecoin, etc.) will take its place. The trust problem has been solved, and the whole world now knows how to do that. This genie is out of the bottle, and it ain’t going back.
Bitcoin indeed has intrinsic value. We just have to think of intrinsic value in a new way. Bitcoin’s intrinsic value is contingent on its value in facilitating transactions in the global economy. Just as gold’s intrinsic value is derived from its ability to fulfill the properties of money, bitcoin can meet all the same properties and have lower storage and transaction costs. And once you embrace the fact that its intrinsic value is derived from its value as a transaction platform, we have the recipe for the bitcoin proof:
Bitcoin is a meme. And in order for it to work, people must trust it. And people trust it because the block chain is real. And because the block chain is real, bitcoin has value. And because bitcoin has value, bitcoin is money.
This is not to suggest that bitcoin’s success is a fait accompli. It’s not. This argument simply proves that bitcoin is money so long as it has some intrinsic value. That said, that intrinsic value can still be squandered. As I see it, the bitcoin community needs to ensure that bitcoin possesses the following characteristics to put it on solid ground:
  • Safe from theft
  • Safe from loss of private key
  • Safe from destruction
  • Safe from volatility
  • Anonymous
  • Simple
  • Efficient transaction processing
The public’s perception of bitcoin can also be improved by more widely disseminating best practices. For instance, individuals who own bitcoin should not store their bitcoin in the cloud or at their broker. Likewise, if individuals lose their private keys, they lose their bitcoins. When these tales of woe are made public, it creates distrust in the system. And trust is at the heart of every financial system — from stock markets, to bond markets, to banking systems, to currencies. Everything. And anything that destroys trust for bitcoin now might derail the success of the bitcoin platform. In other words, other people’s bitcoin problems are your problems. People also aren’t used to losing money on their money. So, volatility needs to be controlled and the tools to do so must be accessible to the layperson. We know from behavioral finance that people hate losses two to three times more than they like similar-sized gains. What this tells you is that people would gladly give up the upside in bitcoin if you protect their downside. This requires the development of a broad, liquid derivatives market married to bitcoin products that pools bitcoins together and hedges each person’s bitcoin value. The volatility of bitcoin should reward the creator of such a product handsomely. In lay terms, bitcoin needs bitcoin price insurance. There have also been some breaches of anonymity, when bitcoin accounts have been linked to email accounts. Some people may not understand the extent to which their actions will or will not be anonymous.
Few people truly understand fiat money. They simply know that they can buy stuff with it. Likewise, your cousin, mother, or grandfather need not understand bitcoin in order for it to gain wide adoption. They simply need to understand its value to them. And therein lies the opportunity for bitcoin. Just make bitcoin-related products simple and accessible to the layperson.
Lastly, the speed of processing transactions on the platform is limited to seven transactions per second. For comparison, the Visa network can process about 47,000 per second. Given bitcoin’s vast potential, it may never be feasible to execute all the transactions that people wish to conduct. So, this problem must be solved before the platform reaches that size and scope. Thus bitcoin’s success is not a foregone conclusion. But its value is real and the problems before it can be solved. Bitcoin is money. But make no mistake: bitcoin still needs you!

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