Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Greek aid proposal not expected on Tuesday: eurozone source

Greek aid proposal not expected on Tuesday: eurozone source

[ATHENS] Greece will submit a new aid proposal to European creditors "maybe" on Wednesday, a senior eurozone official said, with Athens' European partners convening in Brussels for emergency talks.
"They say they will submit a new request and outline of proposals maybe tomorrow," the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Reuters on Tuesday.

Greek debt writedown against bailout rules: Schaeuble

Greek debt writedown against bailout rules: Schaeuble

[BRUSSELS] A debt haircut is not allowed under Europe's bailout rules, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on arrival for a euro zone finance ministers meeting to discuss Greece on Tuesday.
Asked whether Greece could keep the euro, Schaeuble said that was a question for the Greek government.

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