Monday, February 9, 2015

Canada calls for compromise over Greek debt situation

Canada calls for compromise over Greek debt situation

Tags: GreeceJoe Oliver
Finance Minister Joe Oliver called on Monday for compromise over Greece’s debt, telling Reuters that while Athens must not simply disavow its debt, its creditors needed to work with it for a compromise solution.
Greece wants to reverse the austerity measures that are the conditions of an international bailout that is helping keep it financially afloat. But there is little sign that official creditors are willing to accept this or to extend loans that would buy time to negotiate with Athens.
“There has to be compromise. It’s clear that Greece has got to be prepared to make some changes, and I think a wholesale repudiation of their debt is not on the cards,” Oliver said as he prepared for a meeting of the Group of 20 (G20) leading economies.
“But other countries, creditors will have to work with Greece to arrive at a compromise solution. I don’t think anybody wants Greece to leave the currency union.”
Moments later, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew also urged Greece and Europe to “tamp down the rhetoric” in heated discussions over Athens’ hopes of easing back on austerity measures.
Oliver said the fact that the global outlook had once again been downgraded made it all the more important to implement action plans agreed by the G20 last year to add 2 per cent to the world economy within five years.
Additionally, there is some pressure on Germany and other northern European countries with fiscal capacity to do more to help the global economy.
“I know there is some difference of views in that respect,” he said. “Germany is of the view that structural change is needed, and they feel strongly about not wanting to jeopardize their financial stability,” Oliver said.
As to whether countries in surplus should go into deficit to boost global growth, he said: “We’re not advocating deficits for others, because we’re not intending to go into a deficit ourselves. In fact, we’re going to...balance our budget.”
Spending on infrastructure was not a matter of yes or no, but a matter of where on the continuum one puts the pin, he said, noting federal Canadian long-term plans for C$75-billion ($60-billion) in infrastructure spending.
As G20 chair this year, Turkey is emphasizing investment. Oliver said pension plans have capital and have been investing in infrastructure, and one way to attract more investment is through “de-risking”.
This involves making sure some of the risks on construction and regulatory approval are dealt with before they get involved.
One perennial issue the G20 deals with is whether to pressure China over its currency. “We’ve said that we think it’s appropriate for countries to have free-floating currencies,” he said, but added “we’ll see” whether there would be more pressure on them in Istanbul.


So What Does The World Bank Do Exactly?

So What Does The World Bank Do Exactly?

by  - 

As many have heard by now, the leaders of the so-called BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – used the occasion of the 6th BRICS Summit in Brasilia, Brazil to announce the creation of the long-awaited BRICS Development Bank. Formally the “New Development Bank”, it will be based in Shanghai and capitalized with an initial $10 billion in cash ($2 billion from each of the five founding members) and $40 billion in guarantees, to be built up to a total of $100 billion.
Immediately, the press began touting the new bank as a potential rival to the current IMF / World Bank system of infrastructure development and poverty reduction in the third world. “BRICS Development Bank Could Challenge World Bank and IMF” touts US News & World Report. “BRICS Ink $50 Billion Lender in World Bank, IMF Challenge” asserts Bloomberg. The World Bank, for its part, is downplaying the rivalry, with World Bank President Jim Young Kim openly welcoming the bank at a recent meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “The only competition we have is with poverty”, he told reporters at the meeting.
But all of this talk about a potential rival to the IMF and World Bank have exposed the general public’s ignorance about what exactly these institutions are and what they do.
While most are familiar with the IMF and its predatory lending practices (and those who aren’t are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the “IMF riot” strategy that was developed in the third world and is now being imported to Europe), the World Bank is less scrutinized and less understood. What is it, what does it do, and why is it important for the BRICS to challenge its hegemony in the development and poverty reduction arenas?
For the answer to that, we’ll need to examine the World Bank’s history, both the official history that it touts to the outside world and the real history of its part in plundering the developing world that it is supposedly there to help.

The Official Story

So What Does the World Bank Do Exactly - Bretton Woods Conference

The World Bank was born along with the IMF at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference that decided on the financial architecture of the post-WWII world, only at that time it was known as the “International Bank for Reconstruction and Development” and was concerned primarily with post-war reconstruction of Europe. After the implementation of the Marshall Plan in 1947, however, its focus shifted to the non-European world where it provided development loans targeted at helping developing countries create income-generating infrastructure (power plants, seaports, highways, etc.).
From the very beginning there have been questions about the overlap of the IMF and World Bank’s respective roles. Both are committed, according to the IMF website, to “raising living standards in their member countries,” but the IMF is financial in nature, concentrating on short and medium-term loans to help countries meet balance of payment needs , while the World Bank is fundamentally a development institution, focusing on technical and financial support for specific projects or sectoral reforms. Part of the confusion is linguistic; at the first ever meeting meeting of the IMF the “father” of Bretton Woods, John Maynard Keynes (who else?), confessed he thought the Fund should be called a bank and the Bank should be called a fund. Nevertheless, the monikers have stuck and the World Bank and IMF continue to talk the talk of global infrastructure development and poverty reduction.
Since the World Bank pivoted away from Europe to concentrate on the developing world in the late 1940s, it has lent more than $330 billion on infrastructure development projects. It currently boasts $232.8 billion in total subscribed capital, overseeing $358.9 billion in total assets. The World Bank concentrates its lending on creditworthy governments of developing nations, and splits its lending activities between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). The IBRD generally provides 12-15 year loans at slightly above market rates to countries with per capita GDPs above $1305. The IDA, meanwhile, provides interest-free 35 to 40 year loans to countries with per capita GDPs below the $1305 mark.
Unlike the IMF, which is funded by quota subscriptions from member countries, the World Bank finances its lending by borrowing on the international bond market. As a result, for the first decades of its existence the World Bank was concerned with building up its reputation as a lender and establishing its own creditworthiness. Until 1968, the Bank was a relatively small institution with less than 1000 employees concentrated in Washington that concerned itself almost exclusively with loans designed to finance transportation and energy infrastructure projects.
So What Does the World Bank Do Exactly - Robert McNamara

When JFK/LBJ Secretary of Defense and unconvicted war criminal Robert McNamara took over as president in 1968, however, he began a radical repositioning of the Bank and transformation of its aim, scope and practices. Over his 12 years at the helm of the Bank, McNamara greatly expanded its lending activities, shifting the aim of that lending toward agricultural reform and literacy initiatives, as well as the building of schools and hospitals. During this period the Bank’s treasurer, Eugene Rotberg, increased the Bank’s capital by going beyond the established developed world banks that had been its primary funding source and tapping into the global bond market.
In the 1980s the bank began to press so-called “Structural Adjustment Programs” on loan recipients, including mandates to devalue currencies or reduce government spending in various areas, as pre-conditions for lending. The Bank also began providing lending to help governments service the debts they had racked up in previous rounds of lending.
After the Bank came under increasing scrutiny (and protest) in the 1990s and early 2000s, it has adjusted its policies and practices to address its critics. It now touts environmental responsibility in the infrastructure projects it provides loans for and places greater emphasis on the goal of promoting economic engagement by the poorest people in its target countries. As a result, the World Bank now claims to focus on the eradication of hunger, gender equality, environmental sustainability, maternal health and child mortality, communicable disease prevention, and universal primary education in its target countries.

The Real Story

As readers of these pages will no doubt be aware, there is of course more to the story than that glossy, PR-friendly official story would have us believe. The period of McNamara’s stewardship, from 1968-1980 was instrumental in shaping the institution that we know (or should know) today: a tool of the Washington power players that is used as a way of transferring the productive wealth of the third world back to the first world. The larger capital that was raised during his tenure was used to expand the bank’s lending activities, and those expanded loans kicked off the era of the third world debt crisis, including a period from 1976 to 1980 where developing world debt rose on average 20% per year.
As journalist John Pilger noted in his powerful documentary, “War By Other Means”, released back in 1991:
So What Does the World Bank Do Exactly - Live Aid

“Remember Live Aid in 1985, that symbol of concern and generosity? Did you know that during that year, the hungriest countries in Africa gave twice as much money to us in the developed world as we gave to them? There was another famine last year. Perhaps you are one of those who took part in Red Nose Day. Did you know that before that day was over, the equivalent of all the money that comic relief had raised in Britain, about 12 million pounds, had come back to the rich countries? For every day this amount is given by the poorest to the rich on interest payments on loans that most of them never asked for or knew existed. In other words, contrary to a myth long popular in the West, it has been the poor of the world who have financed the rich, not the other way around.”
The process by which these loans are made and the funds distributed to their recipients has long been rife with waste, corruption and fraud. Even in the best circumstances, the types of projects that the Bank concerned itself with in its early days, infrastructure projects focusing on energy and transportation, served to primarily enrich those who were already the richest in the target countries, the friends and cronies of the corrupt rulers whose business interests could make use of such innovations. At its worst, the Bank has been used to underpin the rule of corrupt and tyrannical leaders and force entire nations into debt slavery.
This process was described most famously by former insider and self-described “economic hitman” John Perkins, who wrote his book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” to shed light on the means by which the seemingly benevolent IMF/World Bank system is used to oppress and plunder the very populations it is designed to enrich.
“So how does the system work? We economic hitmen have many vehicles to make this happen, but perhaps the most common one is that we will identify a country-usually a developing country-that has resources our corporations covet, like oil, and then we arrange a huge loan to that country from the World Bank or one of its sister organizations.
“Now most everybody in our country believes that loan is going to help poor people. It isn’t. Most of the money never goes to the country. In fact it goes to our own corporations. It goes to the Bechtels and the Halliburtons and the ones we all hear about, usually led by engineering firms, but a lot of other companies are brought in and they make fortunes off building the infrastructure projects in that country. Power plants, industrial parks, ports, those types of things. Things that don’t benefit the poor people at all; they’re not connected to the electrical grid, they don’t get the jobs in the industrial parks because they’re not educated enough. But they as a class are left holding a huge debt. The country goes deep into debt in order to make this happen, and a few of its wealthy people get very rich in the process. They own the big industries that do benefit from the ports and the highways and the industrial parks and the electricity.
“The country is left holding this huge debt that it can’t possibly repay, so at some point we economic hitmen go back in and we say, ‘You know, you can’t pay your debts. You owe us a pound of flesh, you owe us a big favor. So sell your oil real cheap to our oil companies, or vote with us on the next critical United Nations vote, or send troops in support of our to some place in the world like Iraq.’ And so we use this whole process as, first of all, a means for getting their money (money we loan them) to enrich our own corporations, and then to use the debt to enslave them.”
So What Does the World Bank Do Exactly - World Bank Sucks

In his book, “The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order”, Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa provides extensive documentation of precisely how this process has functioned over the years through the Structural Adjustment Loan and Sector Adjustment Loan programs at the World Bank’s disposal. This documentation includes details of the Bank’s oversight of the build-up of Rwanda’s military budget in the run-up to its bloody internal war of 1994, the Bank’s own admission of how its loan-dictated deregulation of Vietnam’s grain market led to widespread child malnutrition in the country, and the World Bank’s contribution (in conjunction with the IMF) to the unprecedented plundering of Russia that took place in the wake of the Soviet collapse.
The World Bank, despite its friendly exterior and the lofty platitudes its proponents spout in its defense, continues to undergird a system of exploitation and debt enslavement of developing countries. For half a century, the Bank has been responsible for the furtherance of a Pax Americana built not upon peace, prosperity and free trade but violence, debt and enforced servitude.

The Rest of the Story

… But now along comes the New Development Bank promising an alternative to the World Bank hegemony. Unlike the Structural Adjustment Loan regime of the World Bank, the NDB is promising to provide loans with no strings attached; the BRICS have no interest in telling loan recipients how to run their country.
Is this a fundamental challenge to the system as it exists? Is the NDB likely to live up to the lofty expectations that have been placed on it? In what time frame can we expect to see the changes to the international order take place?
The answer to these questions constitute what Paul Harvey would call in his trademark drawl, “the rest of the story…” and we will explore that story here on Wake Up World in another article coming soon.
About the author:
James Corbett is editor, webmaster, writer, producer, host, and the inspiration behind The Corbett Report, an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. The Corbett Report operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues, from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.
James has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. Since then he has written, recorded and edited over 1000 hours of audio and video media for the website, including a weekly weekly podcast and several regular online video series. His satirical piece on the discrepancies in the official account of September 11th, “9/11: A Conspiracy Theory” has so far been viewed over 2.4 million times. Corbett also produces video reports for GRTV, the video production arm of the Centre for Research on Globalization, and, the website of noted FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. He is also an editorial writer for The International Forecaster, the weekly e-newsletter created by the late Bob Chapman.
For more information about Corbett and his background, please listen to Episode 163 of The Corbett Report podcast, Meet James Corbett.
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New Jersey Governor vetoes Buy America bills

New Jersey Governor vetoes Buy America bills

Canada has won a small victory in its battle against proliferating Buy America-style laws as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a series of bills that would have required the state to buy U.S. products whenever possible.
Mr. Christie, considered a possible contender for the Republican presidential nomination, said the laws would have discouraged foreign companies from locating in the state and driven up costs.
“Rather than helping Americans, these bills simply drive up the cost of doing business, and threaten job creation,” Mr. Christie wrote a statement accompanying Thursday’s veto. “Building economic walls around our state, or our nation, will not improve the lives of citizens.
Canada’s consul-general in New York, John Prato, had warned New Jersey lawmakers that the legislation would have “dire consequences” for relations between Canada and New Jersey.
The legislative package covered virtually all purchases by the state as well as several large state agencies, such as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Canadian Trade Minister Ed Fast said Mr. Christie’s veto “protects our shared North American economy and competitiveness.”
He pointed out that 274,000 jobs in New Jersey depend on trade with Canada.
“Protectionist public-procurement policies cause economic harm to workers and businesses on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border,” Mr. Fast said.
Ottawa continues to complain about a range of federal and state purchasing rules that discriminate against Canadian-made goods and services.
Last week, the state of Alaska shelved a project to rebuild a ferry terminal in Prince Rupert after Ottawa invoked a seldom-used anti-sanctions law to block the application of Buy America rules.
The project, worth of $20-million (U.S.), had become a symbol of the potentially long reach of protectionist purchasing rules. The upgrade of the ferry terminal, which Alaska leases from the Canadian government, was to be mainly funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation, which typically requires that all iron and steel used is made in the United States.
Alaska Governor Bill Walker, a vocal supporter of Buy America rules, refused to seek a waiver from the purchasing requirements.

US urges eurozone leaders to compromise with Greece, delegation heading to Athens: FT Feb 9,2015

US urges eurozone leaders to compromise with Greece, delegation heading to Athens: FT

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is pushing euro zone leaders to compromise more with Greece's new government as fears grow that a protracted budget stand-off could damage the global economy, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.

The U.S. lobbying effort comes amid mounting concerns in Brussels and Washington about the hardline stance taken by some members of the euro zone, particularly Germany, that Greece must press on with its budget-cutting commitments, according to the report, which cited European Union and U.S. officials.
"We've advised all sides there needs to be some compromise on everybody's part," the FT cited a senior U.S. official as saying. "There are limits to how much austerity a society can withstand."
A U.S. delegation is heading to Athens, led by the Treasury Department's top Europe official, Daleep Singh, the FT said.

No decision yet on Ukraine arms aid: US President Barack Obama

No decision yet on Ukraine arms aid: US President Barack Obama

PUBLISHED ON FEB 10, 2015 2:17 AM
US President Barack Obama meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss the crisis in Ukraine at the White House in Washington on Monday. -- PHOTO: REUTERS
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Barack Obama said Monday no decision had been made on whether to send weapons to Ukraine to help Kiev battle pro-Russian separatists, as he warned the West would not allow Russia to redraw Europe's borders by force.
Obama, who has faced increasing calls from domestic critics to supply the outmatched Ukrainian army with more weapons to shore up its faltering defences, said he was still mulling his options.
"The possibility of lethal defence is one of those options that's being examined. But I have not made a decision about that yet," Obama told a joint press conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Merkel and many European nations believe weapons would not overturn the military mismatch between Ukraine and pro-Russian forces allegedly backed by Moscow, and would simply escalate a conflict that has left 5,400 people dead in less than a year.
Merkel has sought to negotiate a peace deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin after joining crisis talks in Moscow last week with French President Francois Hollande.
A summit of leaders of Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia is tentatively planned for later this week, after Merkel leaves Washington.
Obama meanwhile warned that the West could not allow Russia to rewrite Europe's borders "at the barrel of a gun."
"We continue to encourage a diplomatic resolution to this issue," he said.
"And as diplomatic efforts continue this week, we're in absolute agreement that the 21st century cannot stand idle, have us stand idle and simply allow the borders of Europe to be redrawn at the barrel of a gun."
Merkel meanwhile said that abandoning the principle of territorial integrity at the heart of the Ukraine crisis posed a threat to the "peaceful order of Europe".
"For somebody who comes from Europe, I can only say, if we give up this principle of territorial integrity, we will not be able to maintain the peaceful order of Europe," Merkel said. "It's essential."

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