Circle now allows you to send your money worldwide for free!
Circle makes getting and sending Bitcoin, quick easy and IMMEDIATE, unlike having to wait 5 days with Coinbase. Anyone can log in and immediately purchase bitcoins to send anywhere in the world.
Watch this video that was released before the launch, it explains the process very well.
If you have been following along in my blog, I beta tested Circle last month. I think it is the product that will make the biggest impact at bringing the mainstream into Bitcoin. Although personally, I prefer to keep control of my private keys, I am grateful that they have provided insurance for the bitcoin that you do hold with them. I think a big mistake that the early adopters of Bitcoin made was trying to explain how Bitcoin worked. It’s not necessary for the mainstream and frankly they don’t care. The education of how it all works can come later if at all. It’s more important to teach them the utility right now.
People use the internet everyday and have no idea what IMAP, POP, HTTP, DNS or SSL do and why they do them. Trust me, being in the technology industry for the last 30 years, I know. The mainstream just needs to know how to use it. In my opinion Circle brings us a lot closer to that. Now there really is no excuse for consumers not to use Bitcoin as a payment method. They can obtain the bitcoin immediately and it is insured. They don’t have to worry about the volatility of bitcoin because they can just move the money from their card or bank account into bitcoin and then spend it within literally seconds. For them it’s much better than using a credit card because it is a push transaction. They just push the money to the merchant, the merchant can not pull any money out EVER. Identity theft can be kissed goodbye and the consumer is more in charge of their money.
The merchants are happier too, since it is a push and the consumers have to authorize the push there are no chargebacks. Also the fees for accepting bitcoin are 1% or lower. This is very attractive to merchants, because not only are they saving on processing fees but now they can kiss PCI compliance and fraud prevention goodbye which actually brings the cost of accepting credit cards up to a realistic 7%. A lot of people miss those costs and accept it as a cost of business, when it doesn’t have to be, or at least with bitcoin accepting businesses it doesn’t have to be.
Yes, now the onus is back on buyer beware. This is one of the reasons that I recommend to my merchants that they implement a verifiable review system on their website to show their customers that they are good operators. We implemented this on our own site just last month.
As more consumers understand the benefits of bitcoin merchants will find customer purchasing patterns changing. I already prefer to pay with bitcoin and will go out of my way to pay with bitcoin because I know it protects me. Just read a simple example of what happened to me the other day while using a credit card and why Bitcoin is much better for consumers. Paying with credit cards almost infuriates me now. It’s such an old and archaic system and it keeps prices high. Imagine if everything was 5-6% less just because we cut out all of those middlemen and banks in the middle. Would you like to keep 5% more of your money? Would you like the banks to have less of your money, so your family can have more? I know I would.
Marni Melrose
Chief Technology Evangelist at MacAngel LLC
Digital Currency Institute Member
I find cool things that help businesses and people live better lives & be more productive.
© Marni Melrose and MacAngel, LLC 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Marni Melrose with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. I suggest that you use the curators code.
I find cool things that help businesses and people live better lives & be more productive.
© Marni Melrose and MacAngel, LLC 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Marni Melrose with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. I suggest that you use the curators code.
Legal Documents
We not only accept bitcoins, we prefer them!
Credit cards expose you to identity theft. Learn the new way of moving money around the world. Watch the video below to learn how you can pay us from your credit card or bank account with Circle.
If you have never used Bitcoin to pay watch this video
We recommend Circle. It's fast easy and free to send your money anywhere in the world.
Watch this quick video to learn how to set up an account with Circle and start using bitcoin to pay right now.
If you would like to pay us with a credit card just set up a circle account, add your card and voila! Send money around the world for FREE.
Accepted Payment Methods
- American Express
- Bitcoin
- Discover
- MasterCard
- PayPal
- Visa