Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Musk Sees Seattle-Made Satellites in Race to Mars

Elon Musk Sees Seattle-Made Satellites in Race to Mars

Photographer: Bruce Weaver/AFP/Getty Images
SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launches on Jan. 10, 2015 as it heads to space from pad 40 at... Read More

The world according to Elon Musk is about to get more ambitious -- ranging from a Seattle engineering office to develop and launch satellites to the on-time delivery of electric sport-utility vehicles that appeal to women.
The 43-year-old billionaire also said in an interview he’s optimistic his Space Exploration Technologies Corp., the first commercial rocket maker to deliver cargo to the International Space Station, will settle a lawsuit with the U.S. Air Force over satellite launch contracts, and that construction of a Tesla “gigafactory” for electric-car batteries outside Reno,Nevada, is on schedule.
Satellites will play a crucial role in Musk’s efforts to reach his ultimate goal -- establishing a human settlement on Mars. Building a commercial satellite business will provide the entrepreneur with revenue and communications know-how that will eventually serve his Martian aspirations.
Musk co-founded the PayPal e-commerce website acquired by EBay Inc. In addition to being creator and chief executive officer of SpaceX and co-founder and CEO of Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA), he is also chairman of SolarCity Corp., the biggest installer of rooftop solar panels in the U.S.
“We’re going to try and do for satellites what we’ve done for rockets,” Musk said from a conference room at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California, predicting the company’s Seattle engineering office will ultimately employ “several hundred people, maybe a thousand people.”

Photographer: Valentin Flauraud/Bloomberg
Elon Musk, billionaire and chief executive officer of Tesla Motors Inc.

100,000 Cars

Musk’s other big endeavor, Tesla has changes in store as well. The Model X should debut in the third quarter as planned after earlier delays.
The vehicle will have advanced autonomous-driving features, and is drawing more than half its orders from women, a big change from the Model S, which gets two-thirds of its sales from men, he said.
“The X will have a step beyond what we’re currently shipping on the autonomous front,” Musk said. “There are a whole bunch of things about the X that have not been revealed.”
The South African, who became a U.S. citizen in 2002, will speak today at the Automotive News World Congress in Detroit, and said he’s confident Palo Alto, California-based Tesla will see demand for 100,000 cars a year, giving the company $10 billion in annual sales.
Tesla shares have appreciated more than 45 percent in the past year, outperforming the auto industry, with the company having the highest market capitalization per vehicle sold at about $776,000, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The stock rose 1 percent to $204.25 at the close in New York.

Photographer: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg
Elon Musk, chief executive officer of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., speaks at... Read More

In November, the company cut its full-year 2014 sales forecast to 33,000 cars from 35,000, saying it couldn’t produce the higher number.

Cheaper Gasoline

One concern is falling gasoline prices, which will complicate efforts to sell the more affordable Model 3 planned for 2017. That car may sell for as little as $35,000, roughly half the cheapest Model S, and affect the calculus for cost-conscious buyers, he said.
“It just means we have to work harder at improving the cost of electric vehicles,” Musk said.
Sales have declined in recent months in China, where consumers have misplaced concerns about home recharging, while Tesla has seen demand increase in the U.S. and Europe, he said.
“China is a small percentage of our sales right now,” Musk said, describing the market as “a wild card that seems to change for reasons we don’t understand.”

Rocket Landing

On Jan. 10, closely held SpaceX narrowly missed the first-ever bid to recapture a spent rocket, a key step toward reusing launch vehicles. Musk said today he’s more confident the next lift-off, set for Jan. 29, will hit the mark, with a soft vertical touchdown atop an unmanned recovery vessel about the size of a soccer pitch or a U.S. football field.
“If we had not run short of hydraulic fluid we would have actually landed,” Musk said. “So for the next flight we’ve got 50 percent more hydraulic fluid margins. We’ve got a real decent chance in about three weeks.”
Since winning a contract from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 2008, SpaceX has emerged as the lowest-cost launch provider in the commercial space industry and a competitor to aerospace titansBoeing Co. (BA) and Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT), NASA partners since the Apollo era.
“They’re getting the reputation for being a pretty gutsy company that’s willing to get things done,” Marco Caceres, director of space studies with Teal Group, a Fairfax, Virginia-based consultant, said in a Jan. 10 phone interview.

Satellite Lawsuit

Closely held SpaceX is eager to expand its business with the U.S. government beyond NASA missions and wants to vie for some of the $70 billion the Pentagon may spend on satellite launches through 2030.
The company sued the Air Force last spring, accusing the service of creating an illegal monopoly for satellite launches. The lawsuit was seen as unusually aggressive for a company seeking a government contract.
Musk said he’s “hopeful” a settlement can be reached. That would involve “taking a look at the missions that were awarded without any competition,” he said.
To contact the reporters on this story: Dana Hull in San Francisco; Julie Johnsson in Chicago
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Jamie Butters Rob Golum, Andrew Pollack

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How we can help smallholders feed the world

How we can help smallholders feed the world

By Gerda Verburg

The world’s population is expected to number more than 9 billion people by 2050, and to feed them agriculture will have to grow by 60%. It’s an expansion that can only be fuelled by investment – to the tune of $83 billion.
Growth generated by agriculture is up to four times more effective at reducing poverty than growth in other sectors. Approximately 20% of the world’s population live in extreme poverty, earning less than $1.25 a day. It is clear that we need to change the way we invest in agriculture and food production, to ensure that we’re benefiting those who need it most. This means not just more investment but better and more targeted investments.
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has been looking at ways to make investment contribute to food security and nutrition, and has committed to developing a set of principles through a broad and inclusive consultation and negotiation process. CFS is a multistakeholder body that is open to all member countries of the United Nations, as well as other UN bodies, civil-society organizations, international research networks, international financial institutions, private-sector organizations and philanthropic organizations – all of whom are able to participate in debates and contribute to decisions and outputs.
The CFS endorsed the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems in October 2014 – the first global consensus on defining how investment in agriculture and food systems can do the most good. The principles outline how investment should address development challenges such as climate change, gender equality, health and welfare, youth engagement and access to water. They also cover all types of investment in agriculture and food systems, whether public, private, large, small, and in both the production and processing spheres. They provide a framework that can be used in developing national policies, regulations and programmes; corporate social responsibility policies and schemes; and individual agreements or contracts. The principles also outline the roles of investors, whether governments or businesses, and smallholders. (Small farmers invest more in primary agricultural production than any other group.)
A broader approach
So what do the principles mean and how can we all work together to ensure they support food security and nutrition on the ground? The people responsible for translating global policy into action at the country level need to think through practical steps at all stages of the food system. For example, they should move away from the opinion that “investment” means buying land, and think more broadly about investment in agricultural knowledge and technology, something that could significantly reduce poverty.
Transforming agriculture and food systems means using less land, and getting better results from resources and inputs. It also means engaging young people. Approximately 90% of the world’s youth live in developing countries, where agriculture employs as much as 60% of the labour force. But the majority do not currently see agriculture as a viable career path, given the risks, hard work and low income they’ve seen generations before them face. How can we attract young people to agriculture and help them become drivers of change?
One key element – one that will also contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – will be to harness the market potential in agriculture and food systems to spread greater value through the supply chain. Today’s consumers demand responsible investment practices, and want to know how and where food is produced; they are even willing to pay higher prices for products that meet these standards. Companies are starting to recognize that longer-term success depends on positive changes in rural communities.
Why we should start small
The estimated 500 million smallholders worldwide are an opportunity for companies to diversify their portfolio of suppliers and reduce their carbon footprint. This also creates opportunities for the smallholders, who can better connect with local and global markets. Small farmers account for more than 95% of agricultural holdings and feed up to 80% of the population in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Partnering with them is essential if we are to improve food security and nutrition.
While progress has been made, there is still much to do. More than 1 billion people are living in extreme poverty, and at least 2 billion are malnourished. In developing countries, the Sustainable Development Goals will have to contend with an annual investment deficit of $2.5 trillion. The business case and the humanitarian case for investing in responsible agriculture and food systems is there; now what we need is engagement from all sectors and result-oriented action on the ground.
Author: Gerda Verburg, Chair, Committee on World Food Security (CFS).
Find out more about Food Security and agriculture at the World Economic Forumhere, or by emailing
Image: A field of unharvested wheat. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier


Money and State
"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."



It appears that Gary North has used the falling Bitcoin price as an opportunity to reacquaint us with his condemnation of Bitcoin as a Ponzi Scheme. No doubt others will do the same in the coming days and weeks.
And while many casually-ignorant skeptics have called Bitcoin a ponzi scheme, Gary North is one of the only professionally-ignorant individuals to still hold this view. Sure, there are smart, professional people who think Bitcoin is doomed, or is inferior to fiat, or is flawed for one reason or another, but to perpetuate in the Ponzi position, well, that’s Gary North’s domain. Mr. North originally penned this article in late 2013, but it seems he persists in the fallacy.
But why take the bait and respond? Because Bitcoin is ultimately a battle of ideas. I don’t expect to change Mr. North’s mind, but I’m uncomfortable letting sophisms persist unchecked. Here we have a private, free-market monetary system standing ready to displace the coercive machinations of fiat money. And if the Ponzi scheme arguments need to be refuted over and over for this to unfold, then so be it.
Ponzi Because Volatility
To his credit, Gary North clearly points us to his main argument: “The coins will never be the money of the future. This is my main argument.” His justification for this position, carefully explained over several paragraphs, is simple as well, “The market value of one bitcoin has gone from about $2 to $1000 in a year. This is not money. This commodity is not being bought for its services as money. It is unpredictable to a fault.”
Here is what saddens me… Gary North generally subscribes to the notion that markets should be left alone. That people are unique individuals, and that central planning cannot hope to effectively manage something with so many complex actors and relationships as that of a marketplace. He’s right. Individuals are unique, and complex. So then why does Mr. North think that just because bitcoins’ price is too volatile for him to prefer it as a form of money, that perhaps other rational actors, with a higher tolerance for volatility (or perhaps methods of avoiding it altogether – see Coinapult Locks, etc.), may find Bitcoin’s other attributes desirable, and thus may prefer differently from him? Is that so far-fetched? Is Mr. North supposing that all humans are so intolerant of volatility that the only attribute of money they pay attention to is daily swings in market price?
To be sure, the US dollar is far more stable as a form of money than Bitcoin. That’s a great feature. But, Mr. North forgets the other features of Bitcoin. Take the most important: that one can transfer any amount of it anywhere instantly without anyone else being able to stop it, at almost zero cost. Is the economic utility of such a feature so hard to grasp?
Let me speak directly to Mr. North for a moment… while I respect your personal preference to avoid volatility and stick with precious metals or fiat as your choice of money, why can you not respect my personal preferences to avoid the unending headaches and invasions of the banking system? I recognize that you may be able to know with near-certainty what the value of your money will be tomorrow. But do you recognize that I can send money instantly, anywhere, to anyone? I’ve done it. Do you recognize that I can store the value of a house on a USB drive or email ten million dollars to myself in another country with nobody the wiser? Do you recognize that I can access my wealth unimpeded by any “authority” and transfer it with similar sovereignty wherever I wish? Do you deny the awesome power of such machinery? You may not choose to use it, but how can you not appreciate the desires of others to do so?
Perhaps you have never tried transferring $10,000 of “your own money” to another person? If you had, whether it’s fiat or physical bullion or paper bullion, I promise you can’t get that money anywhere you want it to go in any reasonable amount of time without someone else’s permission. How does that make you feel as a “free” human being? With fiat, it’s the banks’ and governments’ permission. With bullion, it’s the permission of the shipping company or the company in whose account you hold digital or paper certificates. And all of these parties are tracking and reporting on you, by law. You are at the behest and mercy of others when it comes to your money, but it seems you’re so accustomed to this serfdom that a liberating technology like Bitcoin comes along and you squint from behind your Stockholm-syndrome shackles and yell, “Ponzi Scheme because volatility!”
It’s too volatile for you, Mr. North. But you are not the market. Those of us using Bitcoin simply have different market preferences. The ownership and transfer of our money is up to nobody but us, and we suffer pangs of volatility as the cost of that freedom. Mr. North, we can differ in our monetary preferences, that’s fine. But for you to call Bitcoin a ponzi scheme merely because the volatility precludes it from your personal use, well, that is illegitimate.
The Bitcoin Payment Network, Ignored
And while it’s true that Bitcoin’s volatility makes it impractical for many people to use as money today (consider that assuming Bitcoin will always suffer crippling volatility is like assuming web browsers will only ever display text – it’s merely an economic and entrepreneurial problem to solve), it doesn’t follow that Bitcoin is “thus a ponzi scheme” due to this volatility.
Gary North refuses to see the value of Bitcoin as a decentralized ledger/payment system, and only focusing on its derivative role – that of a means of exchange, a money. By only looking at Bitcoin as a form of “money,” Mr. North can point to its volatility (which is clearly high) and claim that because it’s volatile, it’s not money. And because it’s not money, it doesn’t fulfill it’s initial promise, and thus was a ponzi scheme all along.
This is a fallacious line of reasoning, and sadly leads Gary and many other critics to discredit one of the most important and potent inventions of all time.
It’s fallacious because the ledger and payment system of Bitcoin is itself economically useful for many purposes. And it is not my burden to prove that every possible use-case of Bitcoin technology is legitimate and useful to convincingly reject the Ponzi Scheme argument. I need only show that the system provides any significant, real economic value. For if it can be demonstrated that it does, then there is some legitimate and necessary market price for a bitcoin unit, because bitcoin units are the only ledger entry units in this system, and they are scarce. And so long as some price is warranted, then Bitcoin must be considered a valuable digital commodity, and the Ponzi claim is without merit. The specific legitimate price can always be debated, but that it should command a price at all, cannot.
Stated differently, so long as the Bitcoin network has any practical, economic purpose whatsoever, bitcoins themselves must command a market price, be it $0.01 or $1,000,000, because they are the scarce resource which enables the Bitcoin network to function. And this is what people who have bought Bitcoin for investment purposes have all along seen: that the core invention of Satoshi Nakamoto, the distributed ledger system, was useful for something, and maybe many things, and thus because the unit of account within this system was scarce, it should have a price, and that price shall be legitimately higher to the degree of the utility of the system, which will be demonstrated with the time and work of entrepreneurs and engineers thereafter.
And so it is the same with other cryptocurrencies as well, of which there are now many. They offer different features and innovations, and thus are speculated upon. That many or most won’t exist in ten years doesn’t make them Ponzi schemes. It makes them failed ideas, or failed executions of valid ideas.
Those who have bought these digital tokens, then, rather than being victim to a clever Ponzi scheme, saw economic utility in the technology, and as a buyer of shares of stock in an innovative company, have profited from the realization of that value over time, as determined by the free and open market.
Satoshi Nakamoto, Ponzi Mastermind
Let’s not forget that to call something a Ponzi Scheme means to accuse its creator of fraud & deception, of engineering and initiating the Ponzi Scheme. Every Ponzi Scheme going back to Mr. Ponzi himself had a vile puppet-master orchestrating the ruin. If an enterprise has an honest and legitimate creator, but fails because the marketplace subsequently abandoned it for whatever reason, that cannot be called a Ponzi Scheme. A schemer is needed, so how does such an accusation hold up against Satoshi Nakamoto?
“The Ponzi aspect of [Bitcoin]”, explains North in the beginning of his article, “comes when we look at the justification for bitcoins. They were sold on the basis that bitcoins will be an alternative currency. In other words, this will be the money of the future.”
Mr. North so quickly veers into the sticky realm of misunderstanding. Ignoring Bitcoin’s formative beginnings as an academic white paper turned open-source software project (is that really a feasible genesis of a ponzi scheme?), by the time the coins actually started selling on the open market, their value justification wasn’t that “they will be the money of the future.” Rather, Bitcoin carried a much more humble claim from its creator: that a decentralized ledger could be built, and that such a tool might have application to the world of money. That was the claim of Bitcoin – that it might be the foundation for a better financial system. It might.
Importantly, Satoshi never made the vapid, wild-eyed promises endemic to Ponzi operators. He didn’t tell the first buyers of Bitcoin that “Bitcoin will replace fiat, buy now and make huge profits!” He never promised profits whatsoever. He didn’t promise anything, in fact. Instead he demonstrated, he built, through code and execution, a decentralized ledger system which may, he readily admitted, have profound applications. His simple claim was that his concept of a decentralized ledger was feasible. He built it, and it worked. He proved his claim. That is the behavior of an entrepreneur, a scientist, or an engineer, not a Ponzi operator.
A Ponzi operator promises something that is a lie, and behind its fallacious veneer builds nothing of real economic value. Satoshi Nakamoto, in contrast, theorized and then actually built a system which worked as advertised – a decentralized ledger which operated with no middle-man. He didn’t claim Bitcoin would make you rich, proceeding then to sell them upon you; he claimed rather that Bitcoin would work according to the specs of his whitepaper, and then demonstrated that to be true. That’s it. And this is a crucial reason why Bitcoin cannot be considered a Ponzi scheme. There was never a “scheme.” There was a scientific claim, proven conceptually by the whitepaper and then demonstrated functionally by the software.
“Working as advertised” is the opposite of fraud.
Real Utility is All That Matters
Now consider the ramifications of what Satoshi did. Upon that demonstration of a decentralized ledger, an entire industry has exploded into existence. People with good ideas. People with bad ideas. Honest entrepreneurs, developers, marketers, tinkerers, innovators, and certainly all manner of scammer, fraudster, and incompetent nitwit. Bitcoin has become an industry, full of virtue and vice, like any human enterprise.
Meanwhile, the digital asset at the core of this industry, Bitcoin proper, has soared in value from pennies to a few hundred dollars, with several dizzying bubbles and bursts in the interim (btw – has there ever been a Ponzi Scheme with two bubbles?). Fortunes have been made and lost. Things have broken, exploded, backfired, and collapsed. And yet the industry presses on, learning hard lessons over and over again, but learning inevitably. This, again, is not the fingerprint of a Ponzi scheme, but of a legitimate innovation and a community that is struggling to displace incumbent systems… and incumbent dogma.
And let’s be clear, the very idea of an “open-source Ponzi Scheme” is absurd. A Ponzi requires a secret deception, and a deceptive creator, neither of which can be sustained with open-source, collaborative architecture. The only way to have an open-source Ponzi Scheme would be for every participant to be completely blind. I am not blind. Please afford me more credit than that, Mr. North. No, I see. I see how my bank works. I see how fiat works. I see how Bitcoin works, and I choose the latter, despite its volatility.
All my prose can be ignored, however. All that is required for Bitcoin to be valid and for the Ponzi argument to be invalid is for the utility of Bitcoin to be demonstrated.
Well, Mr. North, kindly post your Bitcoin address in the comments and the utility will be demonstrated.
Near the end of his accusations, Mr. North writes, “Any time you buy an investment, you had better have an exit strategy. There is no exit strategy for bitcoins.” Well, Mr. North, this may sound strange to you, but we’ve already exited. We exited the banking system. We exited fiat. We’re out here in a new world, a wild experiment, to see if a private, decentralized monetary system can actually work. It’s messy. Some of us have gotten hurt. We’ve all been insulted and ridiculed and some of us persecuted for rejecting monetary scripture. I’ll admit, most of us are looking around at each other, wondering if we’re fools or geniuses. We suffer hacks, thefts, fraud, deceit, politicians, and the most frightening of all human endeavors – the great unknown.
We may all be out of our minds, and this whole experiment may certainly fail. Any honest Bitcoiner knows that. But if it fails it will be because experiments fail, not because it was a Ponzi Scheme. But right now, if you care to look, a hundred thousand transactions a day are happening outside of the fiat banking system, so, Mr. North, maybe you should check your premises.
In liberty,
Erik Voorhees

Erik Voorhees
Erik Voorhees
Erik Voorhees is among the top-recognized serial Bitcoin advocates and entrepreneurs, understanding Bitcoin as one of the most important inventions ever created by humanity. Having been a featured guest on Bloomberg, Fox Business, CNBC, BBC Radio, The Peter Schiff Show, and numerous Bitcoin and industry conferences, Erik humbly suggests that there is no such thing as a “free market” when the institution of money itself is centrally planned and controlled. This blog is about the human struggle for the separation of money and state, and about Bitcoin as the instrument by which it will happen.

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